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Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Aerosol and Ozone precursor Monitoring from Supersite and Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMs) in 2005

Methods of data reduction and quality assurance for the two projects of Supersite and Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMs) in the period of 2005-2006 are discussed in two separate parts of this report. (a)Supersite The data availabilities at the North Aerosol Supersite for the most installed instruments operated from January to November 2006were above 93% except for RP1400 PM10 mass monitor, RP5400 Carbon monitor, and RP8400S Sulfate monitor. For an event with a broad geographical scale such as the transport of Asian yellow dust, the PM10 mass concentrations measured at the North Aerosol Supersite were in a good agreement with the nearby three ambient air-quality monitoring stations. The collocated comparisons between automated instruments and manual collection methods show that data variation trends are consistent for aerosol mass concentration, sulfate, nitrate, and carbon content but the values from automated instruments tend to be lower. (b) PAMs The objectives of the PAMS project are two fold, firstly, to quality-assure the 8 PAM stations currently deployed in northern, central, and southern Taiwan since 2005; secondly, to elucidate the ozone formation mechanism in the non-containment areas. More than 5 years of operation experience has led to the solidification of the quality assurance plans as well as the standard operation procedure (SOP) for the PAMS program. In this report, methods of data quality control and assurance are illustrated by, e.g., quality control charts, tables of data completeness, and the final completed concentration sheets and time-series plots. Periodic injections of the standard mixture containing 56 species serve as the core task for QA/QC of the PAMS program. Data completeness as high as averaged 90% for 5 stations in northern and central Taiwan, and 80% for 3 southern stations was achieved in 2006. Quality of southern stations is expected to improve as these new instruments are tuned to better conditions in the near future. In order to better manage data, display results, and facilitate data usage, a website designated to PAMS program has been established. Five year trends of selected ozone precursors from 2002 to 2005 have been compiled for the first time in this project. Diurnal and seasonal features with the long-term trends are discussed from the perspectives of source types, photochemical reactivity, and meteorology. Slight decreasing trends for most of the species were found.
photochemical reaction,precursor of ozone,Aerosol supersite